Call us now +27-83 243 4395
Tel: +27-11-206 2909
Postal: PO Box 66626, Highveld, 0169
Physical: 167 14th Road, Noordwyk, Midrand, Johannesburg, Gauteng, 1687
Tel: 011 206 2909
FARANANI has been in the Telecom IT industry for the past 30 years offering best of breed products to our customers
Customer Care: +27-11-206 2900
Whatsapp: +27-83-243-4395
Physical Address:
Whitby Manor Office Estate, 167 Fourteenth Road, Noordwyk, Midrand, Gauteng, South Africa
GPS Co-ordinates:
25 deg 57 min 21 sec South
28 deg 07 min 50 sec East
Postal Address:
P.O. Box 66626, Highveld Park,0169
Fax: 0866 55 01 50